Saturday, April 12, 2014

Daughter's first Lightening show.

So tonight me and my daughter watched the lightening. I even took a few cool pics of it. This is her first storm. So I made sure to get some pics for her too look back on when She is older. She seemed to be rather attracted to the light when it lit up the whole sky. :) Made me smile.

A day of Little Sleep

It's hard when you have a 6 month old who barely naps at all. I tried getting her down for a nap earlier, but then had interruptions that made it rather difficult to be asleep. She only sleeps maybe 2 hours total a day, but for the most part she sleeps all night. Which I suppose is pretty good for her age. Sometimes I just wish she napped a little more during the day because of how cranky she can get. So, it kind of sucks. Naps are far and few between. Other then that, things have been okay today, we are just chilling watching some supernatural. Gotta love that show.

Friday, April 11, 2014

Every day can be a struggle

So my daughter is 6 months old. Her name is Kirra. Well, the other day we had a doctors appointment, and we just found out she has Optic Nerve Hypoplasia.
At least we caught it early. Hopefully there is chance for improvement. Sometime, everything just feels lost. At the same time this makes her extra special to me.
Sometimes things can be rather difficult, and I feel like I am losing my mind. I get so confused anymore, school, work, a child, a father who doesn't participate as much as I would like him to. He isn't a bad dad, but he isn't the greatest either. He doesn't take much initiative to wanna help out around the house or help with certain things with his daughter, or be involved with her therapies and stuff.
Well, I g2g for now. Sleep tight.